Yoga for Back Care

with Alberto De Fortuna

This course will focus on utilising some simple and basic Yoga postures and techniques to help you regain and maintain optimal health for the low back.

Everybody is unique, no one else has your biography or biology, which means that not all Yoga or spinal exercises will apply to you. This short course will hopefully give you the confidence and knowledge to accept and acknowledge what is right for you and what is not.

The primary function of our Spine is stability, the second function of the Spine is mobility. So, this is where we will focus, firstly on stabilizing the core, which is essential for Spinal stability and then we will look at some mobility exercises, which can help us go about our daily lives in a pain free way.

The course will be designed with variations and adaptations, to the exercises, so that people with differing fitness and strength levels will be able to work at their own pace and to the level that suits them best.

On completion of this course, you will have gained the knowledge to carry on with your own regular exercise practice in a safe and beneficial manner.

Course duration: 4 hours total (4 x 1hr classes)
Time & Date: Starts from Saturday 23rd April, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Investment: £40

For further information on any aspect of this course, please click the button below

Yoga Alliance Professionals Accredited & Trained


Please check with your healthcare provider before joining this course to make sure it will be safe for your back.

* Minimum 4 people required for course to run.